Howdy, iam Greta Mikel, Have an A+ day.

Were The Barnetts Found Guilty? [Solved]

A judge dismissed neglect charges against Michael and Kristine Barnett in 2020, and a state appeals court upheld the decision. The now-divorced couple adopted Natalia Barnett in 2010. A doctor estimated her age as 8, but in 2012, the couple legally changed her age to 22.10 Jan 2022

Supreme Court SLAMS Natalia Grace Barnett Case - 2022 UPDATE

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, according to Einstein. I don’t know …

Indiana Supreme Court rejects Barnett adoption neglect case

A couple who hoped to adopt the Ukranian-born orphan

Michael and Kristine Barnett case

New developments tonight in the Michael and Kristine