Hello, iam Stella Fifer, So long!

What Are Ocps Made Of? [Solved]

More specific to extreme conditions, in 2020, the Hot Weather OCP became authorized for wear on duty in hot weather applications and wet weather conditions alike. It would be made from a 57/43 nylon cotton blend which would prove to be softer, lighter, and more breathable than anything the troops had before.19 Nov 2021

The Worst Military Uniform

September 30th 2019, a day that will live in infamy. The final day the ACU digital pattern can be worn. Cool Stuff at …

Unpredictability: Black Swans and OCPs

This episode ends Year 2, not with predictions for the future, but rather a discussion of concepts of Black Swan Events and …

Robocop 2 - OCP’s Failed Robots - 1080p