Hi, iam Maria Mcintyre, Don’t work too hard.

What Are The Characteristics Of Sampling? [Solved]

The characteristics of a good sample are:An ideal sample must be representative of the population corresponding to its properties. It must be unbiased and must be obtained by a probability processor random method.It must make the research work more feasible and has the practicability for the research situation.•27 Oct 2021

Lec 4: Sampling and characteristics

Municipal Solid Waste Management Course URL: https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc20_ce56/preview Prof. Ajay Kalamdhad Civil …

Characteristics of a good Sample, Need of Sampling and Randomisation U-1 Paper -IX(M.Ed Semester-III


What is sampling in research? / Objectives, Characteristics of Sampling / Research Sampling

Welcome sociologists In this video I explained What is sampling in research? / Objectives,