Greetings, iam Lorraine Stonestreet, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

What Can I Drink On Cambridge Diet? [Solved]

As a Consultant, I get asked this question a lot. On the lower Steps, Step 1 or Total Diet Replacement (TDR), we only advise water, and you can add The 1:1 Diet water flavourings too, or black tea or coffee. Diet fizzy drinks can be had on occasion from Step 2 and above.

One2One Cambridge Diet | 1 week products on the Cambridge diet | 1:1 diet

What my usual week of products from the 1:1

How much Water to Drink on the One 2 One Diet

How much Water to

Cambridge Weight Plan… plan days/cheat meals

In this vlog I talk about how having a day off plan or a cheat