Namaste, iam Amanda Burke, So long!

What Do Death Angels Eat? [Solved]

It’s possible that they cannot eat their prey, because their biology might be incompatible with terrestrial animals. Nonetheless, they are so robust that they survived a long interstellar journey on asteroids (possibly in a state of hibernation), so it might take years for them to actually starve to death.

A Quiet Place 2 Death Angels Origins Explored | Why These Creatures Apparently Cannot Swim

So ya big F’s in the chat to my first video over these creatures but with new information, comes new hypothesis’s to explain their …

A Quiet Place Aliens [DEATH ANGELS] Explained

A discussion of what we know so far about the alien creatures referred to as

You vs Death Angel Alien in A Quiet Place Movie - Could You Defeat and Survive It?

You’ve seen the hit horror film “A Quiet Place” and remember those horrible aliens that has super sonic hearing and would attack …