Greetings, iam Marian Thompson, Enjoy the rest of your day.

What Do The Different Colors On Buoys Mean? [Solved]

Buoys are generally painted green, red, or a combination of the two. Yellow, blue, white, and black may also be used on buoys. A green buoy tells boaters to pass to the right, and a red buoy advises boaters to pass to the left. Red buoys are always evenly numbered, while green buoys boast odd numbers.14 Apr 2022

Understanding Channel Markers For Boating: Reading Markers & Buoys

You’ve probably noticed the

Understanding Marine Buoyage - “quieter volume” - simple and easy

Buoyage is the general term that covers markers for indicating channel markers, safe water, danger areas and special purpose …

Lateral Markers

… same purpose port boy going upstream green