Hola, iam Charles Ortega, Have a pleasant day.

What Does 17 Mean On Facebook? [Solved]

This error happens when somebody is spamming the Facebook application with an unusual number of requests. When a rate limit is exceeded, all API calls from an app are throttled and fail for a brief period of time. It can take up to an hour before requests could be accepted again.

Charlie Cox - What does LMAO mean? - Facebook Livestream

This snippet is from the

NEW facebook Feature : Branded Content ..What does This Mean For Your Page


#ABtalks with Riham Abdel Ghafour - مع ريهام عبد الغفور | Chapter 129

ريهام عبد الغفور ممثلة مصرية وأم لطفلين. كانت محاطة بأسرة فنية طوال حياتها، والدها هو الممثل أشرف عبد الغفور. مثلت في عروض مختلفة …