Greetings, iam Betty Jung, Today will be the best!

What Does It Mean To Call Bs? [Solved]

call B.S. when someone is being insincere, untruthful, or when something is false, misleading, or some similar circumstance. It generally means you don’t believe someone. You can similarly just say “B.S.” or “bullshit”.18 Feb 2018

Calling Bullshit 1.1: Introduction to Bullshit


Florida student to NRA and Trump: ‘We call BS’

Emma Gonzalez, a student at the Parkland, Florida high school where 17 people were left dead after a mass shooting,

Conservatives Launch New Dating App “The Right Stuff” | The Daily Show

It’s common to have dating apps that cater to a specific market, but the new conservatives only app, “The Right Stuff” goes above …