Hello, iam Lois Toon, Have an awesome day!

What Does It Mean When Someone Criticizes You All The Time? [Solved]

They feel insecure and are overcompensating. They think you are making them look bad in front of others. They feel criticized by you and are counter-attacking. They think they are genuinely helping you by giving you the benefit of their wisdom or experience.26 Aug 2014

What to do when someone criticizes, puts you down

If a friend is

5 Reasons Some People Always Criticize You And Put You Down

Learn why some people are overly critical and sarcastic See also my books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=M.farouk+radwan.

Esther Perel Explains Why Your Partner Criticizes You

Behind every criticism is a wish. If I say “I wish,” I have to put myself out there. It